Whistleblower guideline
As a part of the People Matter Collective, our purpose is People Matter ∴ Do Good, which means we are committed to maintaining an ethical work environment and an organisational culture where everyone is encouraged to have candid conversations about issues or conduct that concerns them. This could be anything from serious misconduct to noticing something which just doesn't feel quite right. WHO IS A WHISTLEBLOWER? For the purposes of the guide, a whistle-blower is defined as any (current or former) manager, employee, former employee, temporary staff, volunteer, contractor, supplier or service provider of us, who makes, attempts to make, or wishes to make a disclosure about reportable conduct. Reportable conduct is any conduct which is:
MAKING A DISCLOSURE Disclosures of reportable conduct must be based on information that is directly known to the person making the disclosure. That person must have reasonable grounds to suspect the alleged conduct has occurred and be made in good faith. A disclosure can be made to:
PROTECTION We will take all reasonable steps to protect a whistle-blower from personal disadvantage as a direct result of making a disclosure, including protection from: